House at the Edge of Night, City Baker's Guide to Country Living, and Cooking for Picasso

Recommended by Lynn M. Piotrowicz

Don’t you love it when you finish a book, close the cover, put it aside, and say “Wow that was a great story!”  It is a rare book that garners that visceral reaction.  So, you are probably wondering what type of book enchants me.  Well, it has to have great characters that I care about, descriptive distinct settings, and a unique plot. When I am totally immersed in the story I see the landscape that the author is painting and, like a dog with a bone, I just don’t want to put the book down. I get that way when I allow myself to read a Louise Penny book. When I enjoy a book I find myself savoring it; each word, each phrase, each sentence, each paragraph, and each chapter.  During the last three weeks I have had that experience not once but three times....  READ MORE


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