Tell stories with your family using this storyteller as inspiration.
1. Print off the fortune teller and fold it up.
2. Ask a family member to choose one picture then move the fortune teller with your fingers so it snaps open first one way and then the other (imagine a mouth talking!). As you do this spell out what they
have chosen, for example if they choose the pirate spell out P-I-R-A-T-E.
3. Pirate has six letters, so stop moving your fortune teller after six moves and ask the family member to
choose one of the newly revealed pictures on the inside.
4. This time the pictures have numbers. Move the fortune teller the same amount as the number they
choose. Repeat this step for as long as you want the story to be, but make sure to include the
picture you land on as the next part of your story.
5. Open the last flap to reveal the happily ever after!

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